These NPCs are the female romanceable characters you can marry. Below is the list of items each bachelorette love and hates. Items that they love give eighty points, and if you give them items they hate, your relationship will decrease by forty points.

While the benefits of continuously building friendships are clear, the payoff is even greater if you pursue and marry one of the bachelors or bachelorettes in town. After marriage, your spouse may be willing to help out with chores around the farm, such as feeding/petting animals, watering crops, and preparing coffee or breakfast food. Additionally, a well-kept and happy spouse will freely give the gift of a stardrop, which permanently increases the player’s energy bank. The following are the male romanceable characters you can marry and date in Stardew Valley. To raise your friendship level with them, gift them their favorite items. If you want to decrease your friendship level with them, gift them the items they hate.

Giving a bouquet to a marriage candidate indicates romantic interest and changes the recipient’s status to “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” on the “Social” tab of the pause menu. You may give a bouquet to any or all qualified candidates, but only once to each. Giving a bouquet awards 25 friendship points, but does not count as a normal gift. It unfreezes the friendship level with each recipient, allowing it to increase to 10 hearts, and to decay. Note that pre-bouquet, friendship points with a marriage candidate can continue to increase to just below 9 hearts .

Additionally, some early quests, such as The Mayor’s Shorts, require access to a character’s home and bedroom, which can be gained after reaching two hearts with the character. If you neglect to continue to interact with a character, your friendship points can decay and hearts can be lost. We also suggest you to rebuild a bridge during your first year in farm.

Version 4.0.0

The wedding ceremony does not take place on a day that another event takes place in the town square. In such cases, the wedding is delayed until there is a day without such an event. Before we find out if she finds ever-lasting love with a complete stranger on the seventh series of Married At First Sight, DevonLive caught up with Gemma to find out more about her.

Firstly, you can visit the Mayor’s Manor, and pay 50,000g for a divorce. Your spouse will move out, and friendship will go back to 0. The now ex will talk negatively about the marriage and generally resent you.

These marriage candidates will also reject any gift you offer them for a week. They’re really intimidating.You’ll immediately trigger this event if Haley is the last maiden with whom you shared the ten hearts event in Stardew Valley. And to instantly experience this as well with bachelors, you’ll need to encounter Alex’s ten hearts event lastly. To romance a character in Stardew Valley, you’ll need to build up your friendship rating with them.

Stardew Valley Trees in Greenhouse:  Easy Guide, Tips, And Tricks!

Changed how the schedules are added to the game so as to not overwrite the character’s rainy schedule. Divorced spouses neither attend your wedding nor treat you normally during Festivals. If your spouse cannot reach the kitchen, they will say “You’ve got a bunch of your stuff blocking the kitchen… I guess you’re not getting dinner tonight.” Everyone knows what it means when you present them with one of those.


From control schemes to beginner’s tips, we’ve got you covered. The process is a little different since all you have to do is give the player you want to marry a Wedding Ring. If you don’t, they will grow sad and refuse to help you out around thefarm.

I don’t want to spoil things, but you need to see all of her heart events before you can make an informed judgment on her. … In addition to building a strong community and tending to your farm, Stardew Valley also allows you to get married. Similar to marriage in real life, you will have the option to get divorced. He spends his days working at Joja Mart and his evenings drinking at the Stardrop Saloon.

I think another part of her persona is she’s less purposefully rude and more unintentionally, vapidly rude, but that’s more up to interpretation and the line easily blurs. My then-girlfriend and I started dating nearly 10 years after high school. She had traveled the world, and I was basically still playing video games.

Gemma said this is her first time on TV – but she wouldn’t give us any clues about how she found the experience. “I decided to apply for Married At First Sight after feeling like I met idiot after idiot with not much hope to find what I want, which is the person to share my life with,” she said. I’d say she is pretty comparable to Alex, but not the same. I married Alex and never married any of female bachelors because i’m gay. Alex was a little rude before he married me, but after we got married he became super affectionate and kind. I’m sad that she doesn’t have any stories or anything interesting about her.