They aren’t possessive, but they do know that people don’t always have the best intentions. If they see their partner flirting and hitting it off with other people, they may have trouble trusting that their partner will stay faithful. While many Geminis can form a friendship that lasts a lifetime, some may not.

The two are always intrigued by one another and can never get bored of each other. Keep these 13 things in mind and you and your Gemini man will be good to go. This glorious zodiac sign has a lot to offer in relationships iDates from their quick wit and charm to their communicative and deeply intelligent side. If you are indeed dating a Gemini man, he may not be Chris Evans, but rest assured that you’ve scored a total package.

An Aries, on the other hand, will take Gemini’s wild ideas and run with them, providing endless experiences and plenty of fun. If you’re going out on a date, for example, try to find a new spot to go and eat or drink each time. If your date is very into something, don’t get too attached to it; the next time you meet, she could want to try something entirely new.

Most Compatible Zodiac Sign Pairs According To Astrology

He’ll always make you feel good and show you how much he cares. Whatever your love language, he’ll ensure he fulfills it. A Gemini guy who loves you will never let you spend a single dull moment when you’re with him.

Gemini and Sagittarius Love Match

You keep your heart closed because you’re scared of getting hurt. If your rising sign is in Gemini, you are curious. You want to learn as much as possible about the world.

He will have to constantly show his loyalty to her. Although this is a mistake that will frustrate any zodiac sign, it mostly hits the Gemini man the most. And his gift of an intelligent and sugar-sweet tongue cannot convince his Scorpio woman of his honesty either. The Scorpio woman is very passionate and impulsive. She has a fierce emotional attitude towards everything in life, especially her man. She prefers to have her own little social circle in which she is very close to everyone.

He wants to spend his free time with you

He is also attracted to women who are assertive and more decisive than he is. It’s why he usually dates two or three or more women at the same time and takes a longer time than you would expect to make his mind up and pick one relationship. Gemini men are indecisive because they can see every side of a situation and hate to commit to one course of action. When you’re dating a Gemini man, you have to expect him to run hot and cold for a while before making up his mind. As absolutely invigorating and exciting as it is to date a spontaneous Gemini, it also comes with some downsides. To keep him interested, fulfill his need for entertainment, otherwise say adios.

In fact, it’s even higher than their romantic compatibility since they don’t have to be each other’s one and and only friend. Two Geminis in a relationship together — what could possibly go wrong? The zodiac’s twins have a very interesting reputation. On the one hand, it’s hard not to fall in love with them. They’re known for being social, flirtatious, witty, and fun. But on the other hand, they’re also seen as the zodiac’s biggest players, manipulators, and drama-lovers.

They are also symbolized by two pillars, representing the Greek mythological twins Castor and Pollux. This zodiac sign is often identified as “the twins.” The famous Gemini is known as two-faced or having a split personality. As an air sign, Gemini is intellectual, curious, and cooperative.

She is not completely with him on the same plain, as she experiences love more spiritually than sexually. For him, everything is physical in the here and now. And he also enjoys being the center of attention wherever he goes, meaning he is just as social as she is. Going out they always have fun, and the Gemini woman Leo man while dating, make a dynamic pair. The Capricorn Man is practical, but that doesn’t mean he’s not sensual too. One day she’s shy, the next, she’s a seductress.

A Gemini man should learn to give his Scorpio woman individual attention and time. She needs time alone with her husband to build strong trust in him, as she is not a very social creature, and he needs to understand her needs. Scorpios, on the other hand, take a while to open up to new people and take their time sharing their stories.

A Gemini man seems to have two modes – one is always go, full speed ahead, but it’s danger zone if he hits a low. These mood swings can happen suddenly and without much warning, but the good news is, a Gemini doesn’t stay down for long. Just be prepared for the lows that come with the frequent highs. The frustrations arise if you are jealous because the people from his past that he still keeps in touch with are his ex-girlfriends. When you’re dating a Gemini guy, be prepared for him to have a number of friends, including female friends and including exes. In the case of the Gemini man and Gemini woman compatibility, there happens to be a lot of freedom, liberty and independence in the relationship.