However, negative on the brain happen after only a few drinks. This decrease in serotonin may be one of the explanatory factors that contributes to the feeling of low mood not just in the immediacy after drinking, but for a considerable time afterwards.

How long until brain returns to normal drinking?

The new research shows that it takes at least two weeks for the brain to start returning to normal, so this is the point at which the alcohol recovery timeline begins. Until the brain has recovered, it is less able to suppress the urge to drink. This is because the alcohol has impaired the brain's cognitive ability.

If they relapse, they can always brain fog after drinking alcohol to inpatient care or try a new sobriety strategy out. While you might not feel up for your typical Sunday morning spin class, a walk around the block helps when you have a hangover.


Nobody wants to struggle with the confusion of brain fog, and sobriety is the first step in reducing the symptoms of this problem. After cutting back on alcohol, Pagano said, damaged regions of the brain can start to “light up” again on brain scans. “But there are certainly limits,” said Pagano, “and we often see improvement only after months of complete abstinence and giving the brain time to heal.”

When you have hangover brain fog, you’re more at risk of having an accident. You’re also already dehydrated, and the sweating can make hangover symptoms worse. The first thing on your mind is probably a hot cup of java to get you going.

Why is it difficult to stop alcohol dependence?

The result is hepatic encephalopathy, or a buildup of toxins in the brain. Russell Angell serves as a Primary Counselor for Renewal Lodge. He graduated from Texas Tech University with a Bachelor of Sciences in Human Sciences, is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Intern, and a Certified Mindfulness In Recovery Facilitator. He utilizes the therapeutic modalities of ACT, Motivational Interviewing and mindfulness practice. Russell is happily married with one son and lives in Elgin, Texas. The harm that drinking may do to your brain, however, can often be reversed with abstinence.

What Is Brain Fog? – Everyday Health

What Is Brain Fog?.

Posted: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 21:37:55 GMT [source]