Listen up, people, I’m here to rap

About legal matters and all of that

From Waterloo Legal Services to Legal Aid Family Solicitors in Oldham

We’ve got the experts to handle your calls

Drinking at work, the UK law is clear

No alcohol at work, it’s something to fear

Statement of Legal Residence at UCR

We’ve got the details, we’ll tell you for sure

Online course agreement, it’s a must

Understand the terms, don’t let them gather dust

The Paris Agreement, the US withdrawal

We’ll break it down, give you all of the info

Con Edison job requirements, they’re tough

We’ll help you meet them, more than enough

Need a pleading form template? We’ve got you covered

Legal aspects of education, we’ll keep you smothered

Starting a vending machine business in Georgia

With our help, you’ll be on your way to a great idea