There’s nothing wrong with using your pooch to score a first date. Especially not if Spot makes a friend during the process. Sure you want to be the source of oxytocin generation but before you can get there you’ll have to woo her. The best way to do this is by first woofing her up with comments about her beloved pooch. Asking for advice is never a bad way to go.

I realize that I’ve gone on a bit of a tangent from your original question, Dwayne, but this is important. If your email dialogue is flagging, it’s not simply because she’s not interested in you – it’s because you haven’t captured her imagination. You haven’t created a compelling reason why she should write back to you over all others. And yet most of us get online and wonder why it always feels so stale. It’s because YOU’RE making it stale, and you’re accepting stale conversation from others. She is currently the CEO and Co-founder of Online Profile Pros and Stratus Branding.

Here’s how to level up with your first message:

Would you choose a person with one blurry, unfocused photo with lots of people where it’s impossible to say who is who? You should add a variety of photos that unobtrusively show your face, body complexion, and lifestyle. Don’t show off too much, but don’t scare anyone off either. Also, if you can complete your account by adding more photos, you should.

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You’ll need to put some work in to make it perfect, but the results will be worth it – the same goes for the platform’s social media captions and ad copy creation capabilities. There are lots of great ways to give him a love letter. You can send it through the mail, tuck it into his suitcase when he leaves on a trip, or leave it someplace where he’ll find it in his everyday life. It’s you I think of when I wake up in the morning – sometimes something specific you said that was funny or sweet, sometimes just your wonderful face.

Communication can start in the afternoon or evening, but not too late. On weekdays, it is not necessary to write in the working hours. You run the risk of making yourself an impression of a frivolous man. Wish her a nice day, a weekend or a great working time.

For example, if she likes a certain kind of art or genre films. Perhaps use a quote from a book she has read many times. After that, make sure that your profile has some bait or an interesting catching phrase that would make other users want to write first.

Last, prove your description by your photos. Adding some photos from your favorite trips will be appropriate and desirable. Photos with dogs officially increase your chances of getting more messages and matches.

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THEN if they like what they see, they’ll respond to your message. You’ve found the perfect man or woman (at least based on their profile), and you’re ready to get in touch with them and start the conversation. How do you show interest without sounding like a weirdo? Knowing what to say when you send the first online dating message can seem tough.

The first profile is what I would consider a “normal” email where contact is made but not much else. The next two are special cases where asking the girl out occurs in the first email. I once had a woman respond to my message because I spelled “a lot” correctly.

It can be any question about their plans, interests, or just mentions of your favorite book, musician, or film. Such conversation starters will definitely increase your chance of getting messages. First, think about what kind of photos attract you.

Time never stands still, and I know how fleeting every second is. The thing is, there’s just no one I’d rather be with as this world keeps turning and turning. Tell him how you feel with the perfect words and in the perfect way.