Of this generation, we want friends – people we can connect with, have fun with and maybe we even know people in common. This is a very important site you are establishing. Thanks for such a thoughtful and insightful comment! So no, it won’t just be a branding exercise to one specific age-group , but something that really is actually quite different.

Would love to contact you if you are still single. Keep up the fight and the outreach. Something tells me there are millions of men like us. But the dating system is not built for us at this age.

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Now the dynamics of how they would interact with a woman their own age versus myself is different because the dating/sexual part isn’t part of the picture. I have been in situations where I could see the line blurring but that is where it stopped. Maybe you’re dating after a divorce, and you’re a single mom who needs to carve out the time for a love life. A man who’s already been married and raised kids has no carpool schedules to contend with, which can mean he’s got more time to plan amazing dates.

You can’t have a real and meaningful relationship without honesty and respect for yourself and for the other person. So don’t feel bad for not finding the one, the selection is very poor. You have to remember that this time what you are looking for is not clear. The first time you wanted husband house and kids.

Some kind of clue as to what you might want to just pass on. This does seem to be a good, even “natural”, idea. I know that my own social lifestyle and pursuits have been changing through time and this progression in Stages Of Life. I’m commenting here because I just did a Search in related categories. So many gals are so superficial and simple.

Why is the women in 30s with guys in 50s such a popular combo?

With such a high percentage of potential partners being victims of abuse, it’s not all that strange if they act a little strange. I’m not sure what can be done about the situation beyond being patient. Bit of baggage (not a bit of ‘a baggage’!) from 20 years in a relationship – with a younger man.

At 80 having had polio 76 years ago and lived normal life, raised 5 kids, had a wonderful husband that died 20 years ago. All kids married with children living all on their own with good jobs too. I walk with a crutch and have good health, drive my car around town but miss conversation. At this age most of my friends are gone too. In the meantime it would be nice too have someone to talk with instead of only the girls at Mcdonalds.

Take me out and give me flowers once in a while. That doesn’t mean he has to be rich. I’ve been in love with several men who were not loaded with money. That didn’t matter to me because I judge by what is inside a man, not by what he owns. The first impression is https://thedatingpros.com/ the lasting one, and as such, it is the reality that we judge first by looks. None of us will really nonchalantly look at a man/woman and wonder about their successes and where they have been if they don’t possess the very things that we find them attractive.

Being with someone spiritual is even more icing on the cake for me because I am very spiritual myself. Sure I have scars, but they don’t stop me from moving forward and believing I can have something meaningful again with a man. Someone who has enthusiasm in life and has energy. Who says a 50 year old female can’t climb a tree and share a popsicle? This is what many males and female ‘don’t get’.

Us women who were discarded and whose husbands of 30+ years must feel good about ourselves because so many of our ex’s will be remarrying before us and most likely to women younger than ourselves. Sex after 50 is all about attitude! Started dating after a 25 yr marriage. Not sure what I want beyond companionship and sex, but I am totally open to the possibilities. I feel this is a good post and it can serve as advice to many people out there going through rough situations.

Momoa was just 26 years old at the time, and approaching Bonet, who is 12 years his senior, was intimidating. Inspired by Lesick’s “emotional strength” and story, Swygart contacted the now 23-year-old by sending flowers and a card saying “go live your best life, wishing you all the happiness you deserve”. Lesick made headline when she appeared on US reality TV series I am Shayna Rae. Which showcased her life as a disabled woman.

I too was cheated on, by more than one man. I can relate to the pain and betrayal, especially when you’re married. And yes, there often is a substantial loss of friends after a divorce. I wish I could find a man like you. I have no children and my husband has gone off with a very younger model after I dedicated my life to him for 25 years.

What it is is just being a decent, unselfish, and thoughtful human being. I never thought I would be doing this but I am and I am not about to be a male spinster. Just want someone to have conversations with and to start to live again. Anonymous…..I’m so glad you came back and responded. You are exactly what I am looking for…..down to earth, sensible, respectful, and looking to have something special with someone.

Even if you’ve only dated people around your age in the past, why limit yourself now? When you meet someone you’re completely infatuated with and then find out she’s amazing, intelligent, and funny and she’s a goddess and you’re a degenerate,” he told Men’s Health. Momoa worked up the nerve and the two have been together since. “I am absolutely disgusted by some people’s attitudes towards her and my friendship with her.